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Online classes

I am currently on mat leave and all classes are cancelled until further notice. 




I am running weekly online classes via Zoom, with new booking links live on here each week. 


All my classes are done on a Pay What You Can basis - if that is currently nothing please do still get in touch and come along! I'd rather people were able to practice and join a community than lose out. If you are able to make a payment, please do so via PayPal ( or If you do not use PayPal, please contact me for bank details. Suggested amount is £7-10 per class.


If you have any questions just let me know - I hope to see you soon!

Booking links

Please note that you will need the passwords below to join the meeting. 

Waiting rooms are also enabled on classes, so please make sure you are

no more than 5 minutes late.





8.15am      Gentle yoga (1hr)

Meeting ID: 881 1254 1283

Password: 274438


A chance to stretch out, build some strength and get your body moving gently. Great for people with injuries or conditions, or anyone wanting a gentler class without the flows - but still wanting to have a wiggle!





Something extra...

During these strange times, we are spending a lot more time sitting around. If we do this for too long, our mobility can be affected, and I really believe it's important to keep moving in little ways and having a wiggle around as often as you can. It doesn't have to look pretty or be difficult to do, but it's just good to get into our bodies and connect. I've put together some tips on mobility exercises that are really good to do daily - the video looks long but I promise it's mostly explanation! The exercises themselves will only take 5-10 minutes to put the kettle on and give it a go!



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